The Department of Mines & Minerals, Punjab launched their very first expo under the title “Punjab Mining Expo 2022” at Expo Center, Lahore from 19th to 21st May 2022.
Bestway Cement reputes itself as a responsible corporate citizen and gives highest priority to protecting and creating a healthier environment for not only its own employees, but also for it's communities situated around its four plants.
Honoured for its contribution to sustainable development, Bestway Cement once again bagged four awards at the prestigious 14th Annual CSR Awards 2022 ceremony organised by the National Forum for Environment & Health (NFEH), held in Islamabad on February 24, 2022.
With it’s philosophy of desire to help those less fortunate than others by supporting charities and empowering communities by advancement of education for public benefit; Bestway donated Rs.5 million to Shahid Afridi Foundation for the construction of an educational facility.