News & Events

January 7, 2017

Bestway Receives 6th Annual CSR Awards

Bestway Cement Limited has once again been recognized for its contributions and efforts towards the environmental and social responsibility efforts in Pakistan at the NFEH’s (National Forum for Environment & Health) 6th Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2017, recently held in Islamabad. [...]
January 14, 2016

Bestway, Together With Pakcem, Won Four Consequitive Awards

Bestway won the coveted awards in the categories of Green Energy Initiatives, Community Development & Service, Education & Scholarship and Employee Engagement & Volunteering. The Waste Heat Recovery Power Plants, Health & Safety in Schools campaign, Community Development, and [...]
December 30, 2015

Bestway Group Chief Executive, Appointed As Commander Order of The British Empire

Mr Choudrey was awarded his CBE as part of the Queen’s New Year 2016 Honours List in recognition of his contributions to advancing Britain through his services to the UK Wholesale industry and the wide array of philanthropic work he passionately engages in both in the UK and abroad [...]